Saturday, February 11, 2012


A few days ago we went to las Ruinas Romanas de Itálica.  I literally only got 3 hours of sleep the night before along with everyone else on the trip so we were basically just walking zombies the entire time.  The coolest part was definitely the Roman Amphitheatre that could hold 25,000 spectators at a time!  Here are some pictures...

I also took a short cooking class back in Sevilla this week.  We learned how to make Paella, which is a famous Spanish dish made out of rice and different types of seafood.  It was delicious!  And this is coming from someone who is not the biggest fan of seafood, so that's saying something!

Today we went to Cádiz, which is a city about an hour and a half south of Sevilla.  It was literally the most beautiful city I have EVER seen!  The buildings are all mostly white and the sky and ocean were so blue.  It did not look real!  We started off the day with a tour of the city and we learned a little bit about the historical sites.  We also got to climb to the top of the tower of the cathedral that looked over all of Cádiz and the views were amazing.

Cádiz is right on the Atlantic Ocean, so we spent a lot of time walking along the beach.

My friends and I are going back to Cádiz next weekend for "Carnaval," which is equivalent to Mardi Gras or Halloween in the U.S.  It is basically just a massive party in the city wear people dress up in costumes and party until morning.  Our train back to Sevilla doesn't even leave until 6:30 AM!  That will be an interesting night!  More to come soon!

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