Friday, January 27, 2012


¡Finalmente hoy es viernes!

I just had my first exam for my intensive class and it was muy fácil.  VERY different from midterms in the U.S.!  I somehow get 3 credits for two weeks of class for only 3 hours a day.  Woohooo!  Although, there has been more more homework than I was originally expecting.  I shouldn't complain though!  I'm in SPAIN for crying out load.

A little bit about my week- class, lunch, homework, siesta, exploring the city, dinner, homework.  I'm definitely taking advantage of this whole siesta thing though.  I'm such a nap lover.

Tuesday night we had a tour of our barrios (neighborhoods).  I live in Porvenir, which is about a 10 minute walk from the business school.  Most of the other business students live in Nervión, which is about the same distance from the school, but in the exact opposite direction.  El centro is about a 35-40 minute walk from where I live, but about 20-25 minutes from every one else.  This means I will be spending mucho dinero on taxis here!

This is a link that shows my apartment if you want to see it...  (It is 42 Calle Porvenir on the 4th floor),+Sevilla,+España&client=safari&rls=en&oe=UTF-8&redir_esc=&gs_upl=5855l8986l0l9833l4l4l0l0l0l0l780l1298l5-1.1l2l0&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hq=&hnear=0xd126e9cedc8b4db:0x26be2aa93d095032,Calle+Porvenir,+42,+41013+Sevilla&gl=es&ei=opMiT4jBB8aO8gPdkOjWBw&sa=X&oi=geocode_result&ct=title&resnum=1&ved=0CBMQ8gEwAA

Wednesday night our program had a social at a club for all of the intercambios to meet each other.  I didn't get the email with my intercambio's name on it until yesterday, so I haven't met him yet.  His name is Melchor Durán Garcia and I'm hoping to meet him tonight.  We are required to spend at least two hours a week with our intercambios, 1 hour talking in Spanish and 1 hour talking in English.  Did I mention that I saw NAOMI at this social!! She has been my best friend since 2nd grade and although we are both studying in Sevilla this semester, this was the first time I had seen her!  She is in the liberal arts program and lives on the other side of el río, muy lejos de Porvenir.

I was supposed to go on an 8 mile hike through the mountains on Sunday but the trip filled up before I was able to sign up.  I'm so sad!  Hopefully there will be more trips like this soon because it sounded really fun.

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