Monday, January 23, 2012

La matriculación

La matriculación (enrollment) happened today.  Luckily, I was able to get the classes that I wanted except for "Arabs, Bullfighting, and Flamenco" which is at the same time as my Finance class.  Glad that's over!

We started our intensive class today and it was literally the scariest thing ever.  I somehow got placed into the highest Spanish level and I DEFINITELY did not belong there.  It was a struggle fest.

The professor of that class is a whole different story!  He was literally the scariest man ever (at least to me).  He called on me and when I answered the question incorrectly he said "¡quiero morir!" which means "I want to die!" Oopsssss.  Right after me another student answered a question wrong and he said "Somebody shoot me!"  This is definitely not what I am used to.

Although it was horrible, it was also a learning experience at the same time because I now know that I need to keep more up to date with current events and really need to pay attention in finance this semester.  At matriculación me and another girl convinced the staff to let us drop down to Grupo 2, which I think will definitely be a better fit for me.

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