Wednesday, January 18, 2012


I made it!!! Traveling was not very fun though.  I only slept for an hour and a half on the 8 hour flight regardless of my Advil PM.  The girl behind me kept hitting my chair and waking me up and after that I just couldn't fall asleep.  They also told us not to take naps, but I surprisingly feel pretty awake (maybe because I drink drank some super strong café about an hour ago).  I have a feeling I'm going to crash pretty soon.

So here I am, just blogging away, waiting for dinner and a little bit of orientation tonight.

As soon as we got to our hotel, CIEE workers tried to make us feel comfortable and engage us in conversation but everyone was super nervous and only responded with nods, smiles, and copious amounts of "sí's." The language and the accent is DEFINITELY going to take some getting used to and there has been some serious spanglish going on.

I also took a shower in the dark in the hotel room because no one could figure out how to use the lights.  Finally someone told us that you have to put your room key in this strange little thing to turn on lights.  I still don't get it.  Silly Americans!

After that we had a lunch filled with salad, chicken, fries and a delicious postre which I thought was very pretty! It is pineapple and ice cream...

Sevilla is SUCH a beautiful city.  They say that most students don't fall in love with the city right away, but it is absolutely amazing, and I'm pretty sure I already have.  There are palm trees and orange trees everywhere and it is in the 60's and sunny.  Some of the girls on my trip and I took a stroll during siesta time (~2:00 PM-5:00 PM) and although all of the shops were closed, were we able to get a feel of what the city is like.  The architecture is so different from what I am used to, but it makes the city have so much character.

Tomorrow we have interviews in Spanish with our Professors to make sure that we are placed in the correct language level for our classes.  I.AM.SCARED.  I will fill you in on how that goes but for now I am off to get ready for dinner.

Adios amigos y ¡qué tengan un buen día!

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